We are not free of Corona … a new plague of China, “Brucella disease”


Everyone is terrified when the name of the country of China is mentioned due to the spread and departure of many viruses and epidemics from this Asian country, which is the largest in the world in terms of population.

And the world went into shock last November after the spread of a virus related to the Coronavirus that infects the respiratory system and leads to death, and it was named (Covid-19) and this deadly virus originated in Wuhan, China .

The world has yet to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, which infected some 30 million people and killed another million worldwide, until a new outbreak of bacterial disease originating in China was discovered.

The US news network “CNN” revealed that a leak occurred in a Chinese biological medicine company last year, causing a bacterial infection to spread among thousands in northwest China.

The Lanzhou Health Commission, capital of Gansu province in China, confirmed that 3,245 people were exposed to brucellosis, after examining some 21,847 of the city’s 2.9 million residents.

Brucella disease is also known as Maltese fever disease or Mediterranean fever, and its symptoms are headache, muscle aches, fever, and fatigue, and these symptoms can become chronic and not go away, such as arthritis or swelling in certain organs. . It also affects livestock and causes abortions.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States indicated that infection in brucellosis is difficult from one person to another and the infection occurs when eating contaminated food or inhaling the bacteria, and this is what happened in the Chinese city.

Chinese biological medicine factory “Zhongmu Lanzhou”, a leak occurred in the summer of last year during the production of brucellosis vaccines for animal use, as expired disinfectants were used that did not eliminate all bacteria from the waste gas, as revealed the city’s health committee.

The Chinese news agency “Xinhua” indicated that the contaminated residual gas leaked into the air, and the wind carried it to the Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, so the disease conditions began to spread with the appearance of at least 181 people in the institute with brucellosis.
