Wazir appears in a video, leading a rope to treasure in an Egyptian well.


Source: London – Arabia.net

Dr. Khaled Anani, Egypt’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, surprised his followers on a communication site by transmitting, on Sunday, a video in which he appeared hanging from a rope inside a 11-meter-deep well, to inspect for himself the latest found by the Egyptian archaeological mission working in the “Saqqara” area in Giza governorate. The famous pyramids are located near the Egyptian capital, and it is a pharaonic archaeological treasure of 13 coffins closed 2,500 years ago.

Al-Anani wrote on his Instagram platform: “An incomparable sensation every time you witness a new archaeological discovery, especially when you descend an 11 meter deep shaft, containing a group of closed archaeological coffins, to discover a new secret. of the secrets of the ancient Egyptian civilization … Wait for us to announce a new archaeological discovery in a cemetery. The rich Saqqara “accompanied by what is written in a video released by” Al-Arabiya.net “below, in which the The 49-year-old minister speaks in English and says: “The discovery is very exciting. I think it is in its infancy and will be announced to the world very soon”, alluding to what he said about the possibility of finding other things. Change the coffins.

The excavation and excavation work carried out by the mission, and led to the discovery of the pit in which colored wooden coffins were found stacked one on top of the other, so the minister hurried and hung the rope at the bottom to inspect what He promised to reveal in a press conference to be held soon, in which he will be able to specify the identity and positions of the owners or the coffins. The total number, since it is estimated that what was found is not the only thing in the well, but it is likely that more is found within the niches on the sides of the well, one of which was opened and in its interior they were found various archaeological finds and wooden coffins.

Weighs tens of tons

The well may be the one that the Minister announced his discovery last April, since he mentioned that the burial chamber that was found “is rich in distinctive contents, which still retain their brightness and colors as if it had been produced and manufactured by the recent past, which confirms the greatness of the ancient Egyptians, “he added to the media. At that time, it included 5 closed stone sarcophagi weighing tens of tons, with 4 cabinets etched into the walls containing decorated wooden sarcophagi, and human burials dating from the late Pharaonic era, “he said.

And they raised the coffins, that the minister lost one of themAnd they raised the coffins, that the minister lost one of them

Minister Anani mentioned at the time that one of the cabinets “was found in which a charming wooden coffin with yellow ink was found, and around it were a number of artifacts, including: an Ushabti faience statue, and a small obelisk 40 cm high decorated on all sides with pharaonic words of the gods Isis, Nephthys and Horus “. And also wooden statues of the god Ptah, and the Canopic vessels “and others.
