Video .. Al-Ahly players receive Moamen Zakaria at the touch with the phrase “Light up the Club”


The trio, Walid Suleiman, Amr Al-Soliya and Kahraba, led the reception of Moamen Zakaria, the Al-Ahly player, before the start of the team’s afternoon session, with which Al-Ahmar concludes his preparations for the match of Tomorrow’s Ismaili in the Premier League, and the presence of Moamen Zakaria accompanied by Sayed Abdel Hafeez, the Al-Ahly player, went into his team’s dressing room to shake the team’s coach’s hand. During his joining the club, Moamen Zakaria received the support and endorsement of all those who wanted to recover from his terrible health experience that kept him away from the stadium throughout the past period.

The trio were eager to hug the believer in Zakaria, amid expressions of welcome to reappear inside Al-Jazirah castle, telling him: “Light up the club … and thank God for your safety, Abu Malik.”

On the other hand, a large number of Egyptian football stars sent messages of support to Moamen Zakaria through the third audience program broadcast on On Time Sport 2, given his suffering from a serious health problem that kept him away from football. With daily monitoring of the evolution of the health status of the believer in Zakaria, and coordination with the Ministry of Health to monitor the player’s health in terms of health, in addition to communicating with the Al-Ahly Club regarding working to provide all the financial and treatment requirements and needs of the player during the next period..

The Minister of Youth and Sports heard from Moamen Zakaria about the development of his health status, the treatment protocol he continues to use and his follow-up with the doctors, and for his part, Moamen Zakaria expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Minister of Youth and Sports for his eagerness to visit him and monitor his health and follow-up, and his gratitude to all who support him in his health crisis, and the most outstanding message from the stars to the believer of Zakaria is the following:

“We all pray to the believer of Zakaria … and he will come back better than he was … You must know that you are not your property … but of the millions of fans who love you” .. Ahmed Hegazy

“God willing, the believer in Zakaria will return better than the first. We are all on his back and we are waiting for his return again.” Muhammad Al-Nani

“Believer, hero, God willing, you will come back better and we expect a lot from you with Al-Ahly and the national team.” Muhammad Al-Shenawi

“I hope you are well, believer, as soon as possible. We all ask you to return as soon as possible.” Trezeguet

“Moamen Zakaria is a respectable player, and Yama treats us diligently. We miss him … We are waiting for him to return to the national team and, in his words, do his tricks, hero.” Muhammad Barakat

“Moamen Zakaria is a Joker player who can play in all offensive positions, as well as on the moral level, so it happened and there is nothing wrong” .. Hussam Al-Badri

“A thousand security for you, believer, and keep you always thinking that our Lord, when he loves someone, is very close. We will enjoy your beautiful goals” … Muhammad Naji Gedo

“We are all with you, Mo’men. You are a respectable great player, and I was honored to have played with you in Zamalek.” .. Basem Morsi

“Peace be with you, believer, God willing, you will return better than the first.” Omar jaber

“Moamen is a great player, and I hope he returns as soon as possible after his victory over that affliction.” Al-Saqr Ahmed Hassan
