“Very scary scenes” … World leaders react to the events of the assault on the United States Congress


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Several leaders from around the world took to Twitter this afternoon to condemn the acts of violence in the United States of America and the assault by supporters of President Donald Trump on the Congress building in Washington, DC.

Canadian authorities expressed concern about the situation in Washington, noting that they are monitoring the situation from moment to moment.

As NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wrote: “Shocking scenes in Washington, DC. The outcome of these democratic elections must be respected.”

European Parliament President David Sassoli said: “Very disturbing scenes from the United States Capitol building tonight … the voices of the Democrats must be respected … we are confident that the United States will ensure that the foundations of the democracy are protected. “

“I am following with concern the news coming from the Capitol in Washington … I am confident in the strength of American democracy. The new presidency, headed by Joe Biden, will overcome the tension and unite the American people,” wrote Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez .

“Incredible scenes from Washington, DC, this is a totally unacceptable attack on democracy … now rests on the shoulders of President Trump a great responsibility to put an end to it,” said Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

Regarding Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon, he said: “The Capitol scenes are extremely terrifying … I stand in solidarity with supporters of democracy and the peaceful and constitutional transfer of power … Shame on those who incited this attack on the democracy”.

Washington is witnessing massive protests from supporters of President Donald Trump, and after they gathered in the vicinity of the White House, they headed to the Congress building in conjunction with the House and Senate holding a joint session to validate the results of the voting in presidential elections.

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