US Election Results: How Will US Foreign Policy Change Under Biden?


  • Barbara Usher Tickets
  • BBC Reporter – Washington

The world, according to the perspective of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, is “America first”, that is, the interest of the United States comes first and last, and it did not hesitate to abandon or withdraw from the international agreements it believed that did not benefit their country.

Their positions and policies were compromise, one-sided, and obstructive. His approaches to many files and topics are personal and irregular and depend on his instinctual feelings, his relationships with foreign leaders, and the positions he declares through Twitter.

As for his rival, the winner in the election, Joe Biden believes that the world continues to go largely as it was and that the role and interests of the United States are based on the international institutions that emerged after World War II, and they are based on common Western democratic values.

The world is a global coalition in which the United States leads the free world in the fight against transnational threats.
