Urgent … the coalition’s first response to the terrorist attack on the Jeddah oil station


Brigadier General Turki Al-Maliki, spokesman for the coalition forces, the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen, issued a special statement on behalf of the coalition forces on the terrorist act that caused a fire in a tank of fuel at the petroleum products distribution station in Jeddah, according to the statement issued by the Saudi Ministry of Energy.

Regarding the statement, Brigadier General Turki Al-Maliki announced that the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia had been shown to be involved in this heinous terrorist attack. The spokesman for the coalition forces also stated that this cowardly terrorist act does not target the Kingdom’s national capabilities, but also targets the nerve and supply of the world economy. Global energy security.

Brigadier General Al-Maliki confirms the involvement of the Houthi militia and Iran in the terrorist incident

Urgent ... the coalition's first response to the terrorist attack on the Jeddah oil station
Urgent … the coalition’s first response to the terrorist attack on the Jeddah oil station

Brigadier General Al-Maliki also said in his remarks that this cowardly terrorist act is an extension of previous terrorist acts that also targeted oil installations in the “Abqaiq” and “Khurais” areas. He also emphasized that those involved in it and adopted it are the Houthi militia, stating that the tests and trials have shown the involvement The Iranian regime supports the Houthi militia in those terrorist acts and through the use of Iranian cruise-type weapons and air vehicles. unmanned explosives.

Coalition forces announce pursuit of terrorist elements

Regarding this recent terrorist attack that targeted a fuel tank in the city of Jeddah, Brigadier General Al-Maliki stated that targeting unarmed civilians and economic establishments in a systematic and deliberate manner is contrary to international humanitarian law and not it has connection to humanity, but amounts to “war crimes.”

Brigadier General Al-Maliki, in his capacity as the official spokesperson for the coalition forces, stated that the leadership is taking the necessary measures and will promote operations to protect civilians and facilities, and that terrorist elements planning and implement these terrorist operations will be held accountable in accordance with international humanitarian law and its customary rules.
