Two days after the truce was rejected, the Turkish negotiations in Libya


Source: Dubai – Al Arabiya Canal

Sources told “Al-Arabiya” at dawn on Saturday that Turkish warships were monitored off the Libyan coast of Qarah Polley, believed to pave the way for a naval bombardment by Libyan army forces in Tarhuna. .

This occurs two days after the Turkey-backed Al-Wefaq government rejected a truce that the Libyan army had declared to accept during the month of Ramadan, in response to calls from countries it described as a “sister”.

Libyan Army General Command spokesman Major General Ahmed Al-Mesmari announced at a press conference on Wednesday that the army had responded to calls from the international community and brother countries and friends to immediately stop the fighting during the month of Ramadan, stating that it would reserve the right to respond to any suspicious threats or movements and breaches of the armistice. It includes the armed militias of the Al-Wefaq government.

On the other hand, the Al-Wefaq government announced Thursday its rejection of this truce, confirming that it would continue to attack what it called “pockets of threat wherever they exist, and to end illegal groups across the country.”

In turn, Ankara entered the line of the Libyan position, highlighting in a statement that “continues to support reconciliation”, in front of the Libyan army.

While the United Nations Support Mission in Libya called on the parties to the conflict to resume joint military talks with the aim of reaching a permanent ceasefire agreement according to the UN map.

In a statement, it said the two sides should “seize the opportunity to immediately halt all military operations and resume military talks,” relying on “several calls for a ceasefire” during the month of Ramadan and to counter the spread. of the Covid-19 epidemic.
