Turkey intercepts 6 Greek F-16 fighters in eastern Mediterranean


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The Turkish fighters intercepted 6 Greek F-16 fighter jets, forcing them to withdraw from the area that Turkey had announced in the Naftex announcement.

The ministry indicated, according to the “Russia Today” network, that the accident occurred on Thursday 27 August.

On Thursday, Turkey announced that it would hold military exercises in the eastern Mediterranean on September 1-2, in the latest series of military exercises that have fueled tensions with Greece.

The Turkish Navy issued the latest warning, known as Navtex, saying it would conduct shooting exercises in the eastern Mediterranean off the coast of northeastern Cyprus.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said that “his country has become a real player in the international arena and that the whole world should realize this.” According to.

He added that “the recent Navtex notification was issued by Turkey for security reasons related to the exercises of its naval forces in the Iskenderun region.

Tensions have risen between Turkey and Greece since Ankara recently sent the reconnaissance ship “Oroch President” into disputed waters between the two countries in the eastern Mediterranean, in a move that Athens described as illegal.

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