Trump’s anger and evidence from China … Corona unleashed a new crisis between Washington and …


04:39 a. M.

Friday 01 May 2020

Books – Iman Mahmoud and Mohamed Attaya:

Since the outbreak of the recently invaded Coronavirus “Corvid-19” in the United States, and the number of infections has increased to more than a million cases, almost a third of the world’s infections, its president, Donald Trump, has launched storms for attacks on China, the country where the virus appeared. For the first time

A new political crisis may be the most prominent currently between the United States of America and China, especially after Trump made sure that the virus came out of Wuhan’s lab and “has evidence.”

From the start of the crisis, Trump deliberately blamed China for the outbreak, initially confirming that Beijing had deliberately given the world misinformation about Corona, with the help of the World Health Organization.

A string of American allegations unfolded, as Trump explicitly stated in Thursday’s speech that China was responsible for spreading the virus intentionally or by mistake.

The tone of the administration towards China changed dramatically in just two months. Last March, Trump said he was “a little dissatisfied” with China’s stance toward the spread of the new Corona virus, again accusing Beijing of not sharing important information about the epidemic.

Trump emphasized that the Chinese authorities “should have taught us,” reiterating the phrase “Chinese virus,” which deeply disrupts the Chinese system.

Although at the time he appeared to hold Chinese authorities accountable for the spread of the virus, which was first detected in December in central China, Wuhan, Trump stressed that his relationship was very good with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

He stressed that Sino-US relations are “very good,” but added: “I wish they had informed us of this problem 3 months ago.”

The tone of the escalation began to take a steeper curve, with statements coming out of the U.S. State Department in mid-April, calling on China to be frank with the world regarding Corona.

In recent days, Trump has strongly criticized the Chinese government, accusing it of planning and being willing to do everything in its power to lose the presidential race: “They want a sleepy Joe Biden,” he said.

The US administration USA It has already instructed to start urgent investigations to discover the source of the virus outbreak in the world and how relevant it is to China.

The Trump administration threatened to be ready and fully prepared to impose sanctions on China if the virus were found to have left the Wuhan laboratory.

On the other hand, China did not take the viewer’s position, but responded on more than one occasion, and its Foreign Ministry declared yesterday that it has no interest in interfering in the US presidential election, as stressed by the Foreign Ministry spokesman. China, Geng Shuang, during a daily statement that elections are an internal matter for the United States of America. And Beijing hopes that the Americans will not try to drag China into it.

China has condemned the international criticism to which it has been exposed due to the outbreak of the Coruña virus, and in particular what it considered “open lies” by US politicians, referring to President Donald Trump.

China accused US politicians of “telling lies” in a furious response to international criticism of its handling of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Beijing said last Tuesday that the United States was attacking it to divert attention from Washington’s handling of the epidemic.

He also defended his ambassador to Australia, who warned that the Chinese could boycott imported products in response to Australia’s calls for solidarity with the United States to open an investigation into the virus.
