Trump to Republicans: My journey that began in the White House 4 years ago is not over


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Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, said, during his speech before a meeting of Republicans on Sunday, at the conclusion of the Conservative Political Action Conference in the United States, that the trip that began 4 years ago has been very successful during the last four years.

Trump continued and that the journey is far from over, and during his speech at a meeting of his GOP loyalists today at the end of the conference he said that his presidency was great.

Trump received a great reception from people who attended the Republican Rally, which is considered the first appearance of former US President Donald Trump since he lost the election.

As announced by the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, he does not plan to form a new party that will compete with the Republican Party.

In his address to Republican supporters in California, Trump went on to say that Biden’s campaign was full of lies and its disastrous consequences in the first month of his rule.

A file photo

And former US President Donald Trump said everyone knew the Biden administration was going to be bad, but the scope of the bad ones exceeded expectations.

Trump said during his speech at a Republican meeting Sunday at the end of the Conservative Political Action Conference, that the United States switched from America first during his presidential term to America at the end, adding that Biden had the most disastrous month in the history of American Presidents.

Trump added that Joe Biden has destroyed all the achievements he made during his presidency 4 years ago, criticizing the security policy and measures that Biden took on border security, which he warned would cause chaos.

Trump discussed his bid for the presidency again in 2024 in private, according to his advisers, but the excerpts from the speech did not include any hint of what he might do.

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