Trump: The US Army USA Participate in the distribution of the Corona vaccine in the United States


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The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has announced that he intends to involve the military in the distribution operations of vaccines against the emerging Coronavirus, after obtaining it.

“You know that vaccine distribution is a large-scale business,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News today, Thursday. “Our army is being mobilized and we intend to be able to provide it to many people very quickly by the end of this year.”

Trump emphasized that he believed the United States would develop a vaccine against the emerging corona virus until the end of this year, and emphasized again that his administration was mobilizing “military and other forces” in this context.

The White House previously announced that its goal is to obtain 300 million doses of the Corona virus vaccine by the end of 2020, with a focus on its distribution among the elderly population first.

The World Health Organization has published a list of 83 possible Corona virus vaccines, which is being worked on in several countries, noting that 6 vaccines have entered the clinical testing stage.

However, key stakeholders emphasized that the process of designing a successful vaccine and starting production for collective use will take more time, indicating that this will likely take place in early or mid-2021.

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