Trump orders “destruction of any Iranian ship that harasses” American ships


Trump's comments may increase tensions between Iran and the United StatesImage source
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Trump’s comments may increase tensions between Iran and the United States

United States President Donald Trump said he had ordered the US Navy. USA That he shoot any Iranian ship that harassed the ships of his country.

This occurs days after 11 ships of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard navy approached US ships in the Gulf waters.

Although the US Navy. USA It has the power to decide to defend itself, Trump’s statements appear to have other objectives, and tensions between Iran and the United States are likely to escalate.

Trump wrote a tweet, after the Iranian Revolutionary Guard announced the launch of the first satellite for military purposes, saying: “The US Navy has ordered the shooting and destruction of any Iranian ships that harass our ships in the sea”.

David Norquist, the United States’ undersecretary of defense, described Trump’s tweet as “an important warning to Iranians,” without mentioning whether the United States has changed the official rules of engagement in the Gulf.

“What (Trump) emphasized was that all of our ships reserve the right to defend themselves,” Norquist said at a press conference.

“What the president says sends a great message to Iran,” said John Hittin, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

He added: “We know how to translate this into our rules of engagement. It is based on the inherent right of self-defense.”

“No one should suspect that leaders now have the authority to respond to any hostile act or hostile intention,” Hittin said.

When asked if Trump’s order specifically meant that American ships could fire on Iranian speedboats doing exactly what happened on April 15, Hittin said he was dependent on the captain of the American ship.

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Skirmishes occurred between the US and Iranian navies in previous years

He added: “It depends on the situation and what the captain sees. A speedboat cannot be allowed to be placed in a position that threatens the ship.”

Iranian response

Abu Al-Fadl Shikarshi, a spokesman for the Iranian armed forces, said on Wednesday, after Trump’s comments, that the United States should focus on saving its army from the Corona virus.

“Today, instead of intimidating others, Americans should concentrate all their efforts to save their soldiers who are infected with the Corona virus,” added Shikarshi, according to the Iranian news agency, “ISNA.”

The United States Army said earlier this month that 11 Iranian Revolutionary Guard ships were dangerously approaching a United States Navy ship, describing the movements as “dangerous and provocative”.

Tensions between Iran and the United States have increased this year after the United States killed military commander Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Qods Force, with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

On January 8, Iran retaliated by launching a missile attack on the Ain al-Assad base in Iraq, where US forces are stationed, and none of the US soldiers was killed.
