Trump in the Crown Trap … How He Got Infected and Why Doctors Expect a Double


11:40 a.m. M.

Friday 02 October 2020

I wrote – Hoda El-Shimi:

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, announced in the early hours of Friday that he and his wife Melania were infected with the new Corona virus, in an extraordinary development of the greatest health crisis facing the world, and in the final stage of his reelection campaign, in which he failed to respect expert guidance to prevent the spread of the disease.

CNN said Trump’s diagnosis with the coronavirus is the most serious health threat facing a U.S. president in office in decades.

The American Network drew attention to Trump, 74, who suffers from obesity and may face serious complications as a result of the disease that has claimed the lives of more than 200,000 Americans and more than a million people worldwide.


Dr. Annie Remion said Trump falls into the high-risk category because of his age and weight, and the American doctor said: “(Trump) is old and has a little weight gain, and we don’t know if he had any. other (health) condition in advance. or not. “

Trump’s infection with Corona may further destabilize the United States, in light of an already heated political climate, and also affected economic conditions as stock market futures tumbled after news of his confirmed Covid case. -19.

Trump wrote in a tweet on Twitter, before 1 a.m. Friday local time in the US: “Today the first lady and I tested positive for Covid-19, we will begin the quarantine process and we will recover immediately. , we will overcome the matter together. “

Soon after, the first lady of the United States, Melania, said on her official Twitter account that she and her husband were fine.

Trump was last seen Thursday afternoon while returning to the White House, after a trip to New Jersey to collect donations, (CNN) said the US president looked normal and showed no signs of fatigue, but He did not speak to reporters as he walked to his residence.


The physician overseeing Trump’s health, Dr. Sean Connelly, wrote in a note sent to reporters that he had confirmed that Trump and Melania had contracted Covid-19. “The President and First Lady are doing well so far and plan to stay home in the White House during their recovery,” Conley wrote.

He added: “Please be assured that I hope the President will continue to serve without interruption during the recovery, and will inform you of any new developments.

His close aides were injured

Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and said he plans to self-quarantine after his aide, Hope Hicks, was confirmed to be infected with the infection, meaning the disease has found its way to spread within the president’s inner circle. .

Hicks traveled with Trump more than once recently, including Tuesday night’s debate in Cleveland, and was seen aboard the presidential helicopter “Marine One” along with many of the president’s closest aides, including Jared Kushner, Dan Scavino. , Nicholas Luna. Either of them wore a protective mask, plus she was accompanied by the president on her way to a rally in Minnesota.


During an interview with Fox News, Trump said that Hicks may have contracted the virus through his interaction with one of his supporters. He said: “She is a very friendly person, she goes through difficult times, and when someone comes to greet her, she treats them in a wonderful way. She does not tell them to stay away. I cannot get close to you, it is a very difficult disease.”

A source close to Hicks told CNN that he experienced some symptoms after returning to Washington.

And before announcing his infection with the virus, Trump on Thursday underestimated expectations that the virus would continue to spread.

“The end of the epidemic is imminent,” he said earlier at the Smiths’ annual dinner.

In addition to Hicks, the Corona virus infected several of the president’s aides, two White House employees were confirmed last May, one of whom was a member of the Navy working as the president’s personal servant, and in July an employee from the White House cafeteria tested positive for the disease.

However, Trump ignored medical recommendations warning of the danger of the Corona virus, even those issued by his own team, and set a packed schedule with crowded election rallies, as well as meeting with his supporters in Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

Ignore the flag

Trump and several of his advisers have ignored practices such as social distancing and the wearing of masks, and the president of the United States mocked his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, in the presidential debate Tuesday night for repeatedly wearing a mask.

After announcing the president’s infection with the Corona virus, the White House issued a new agenda for Trump after canceling many events, including a fundraising campaign in Washington and an election rally in Florida.


Trump sought to paint an optimistic picture of the current situation of the Corona virus in the United States, until the last hours before announcing his infection with Covid-19.

The US president insisted, according to CNN, that the health crisis is coming to an end in the United States, and that the virus will soon disappear, although health experts and scientists from his administration denied the validity of this statement, and confirmed that the crisis it can last a long time.

The dangerous category

CNN quoted a close Trump confidant who had previously expressed concern that infection of his aides and workers in his administration with the Corona virus could undermine his message that the outbreak is waning and states should reopen.

In the spring, the president of the United States asked how to allow one of the servants responsible for providing him with food and drink to contact him in light of the Covid-19 outbreak, and since then, the White House has done everything possible. to protect Trump and Vice President Mike Pence from disease, including during their trips to states that The number of cases is increasing, according to CNN.
