Trump: Corona will disappear “even without a vaccine”


01:25 am

Saturday 09 May 2020

On Friday, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, reiterated his optimistic assurances that the Coronavirus “will end” considering that this will happen, even without the production of a vaccine against it, Sky News reported.

Trump said: I feel like the pandemic will go away even without developing a vaccine for it. It will end after a certain period and will not come back again. It may reappear in the fall or next year, but it will end anyway. “

“We have faced viruses and influenza before we could not find a vaccine yet, but it did not appear again. It is true that many research centers around the world have made great progress in developing a vaccine for Corona, but it does reach or not, the virus will disappear. “

Trump’s “optimistic” comments contrast with other statements by the director of the American National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fawcci.

A week ago, at a press conference at the White House, Fauchi was asked if “life will really return to normal in this country (United States) before a real vaccine is available to everyone.”

And the US official has clearly responded, according to the Washington Post: “It won’t happen.”

“If going back to normal” means acting like there is no coronavirus problem, I don’t think this will happen until we have a situation that allows the population to be fully protected, “Fauchi said.

Fauchi had previously expressed concern that the United States would have to undergo a new test in the fall and winter with a “second wave of Covid-19” if the country did not reduce its incidence in the summer.

He went on to say, “What a shame if we don’t have enough evidence for when the so-called return (second wave) occurs in the fall and winter,” noting that the United States must ensure that it does not have enough evidence available before. It also has a system to deliver that evidence to the people who need it most. “

During a previous interview, Fauchi also refused to follow Trump’s path because the virus “miraculously” faded, explaining: “I don’t think there is an opportunity for this virus to fade … it will still exist, and if given the opportunity will reappear. “

He stressed that the United States should also focus this summer on adequately strengthening the country’s health care system and ensuring the availability of hospital beds, respirators, and personal protective equipment for health workers.
