Tony Blair: Corona is similar to September 11


He stressed that there are still a lot of things we don’t know about the disease and how to deal with it, adding: “Usually, in the normal situation, economists put a lot of information in their economic models, so that information is logical, stable and reasonably predictable, but in this The current situation is completely unpredictable. “

He continued: “I think it is very difficult for the image to be clear, but the damage will certainly be clear. I think this means that each company, government and country should review its structure and how it is ready for the future.”

In the UAE, Blair made it clear that it is one of the best countries in the world to deal with the Corona virus, and this was really interesting.

“The challenge the UAE faces is that it depends on certain sectors that are clearly affected by the crisis. So I think the UAE economy will take time to adapt. But the only thing I learned about the country’s leadership is that they have an idea and I think even before the crisis, “he said. They were looking for ways to reduce dependence on oil. “


He explained that most forecasts of global economic growth will decrease by up to 3 percent, which is devastating, which is almost twice the size of the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009.

Blair said, during an interview in the “Virtual Dashboard” series of “ADNOC Reading and Reading,” that “reviving the economy again is how to remodel infrastructure to contain the disease, so that people feel comfortable going out and live a normal life, until a vaccine is found, which is what is expected. ” It happens within a year or 18 months. “

He continued: “We will have to provide a comprehensive infrastructure to help contain disease. The issue here is similar to the events of September 11, where we had to build a safety infrastructure, but this time we must build it to combat these health epidemics.” .

“An economy like China is experiencing great suffering due to declining GDP, so this economic crisis is the most dangerous and requires a full set of measures that must be taken both domestically and globally,” said Blair. This is what the main countries must comply with. The world plans to revive the global economy and ensure that we do not return to some form of economic protection that could worsen the situation. “

And on the shape of the global economy after the end of the Corona crisis, the former British Prime Minister said: “I think the normal situation to which we will return will be new. I mean, it depends on the depth of the closure and it depends on issues and things like vaccines and treatments, but until the end of this crisis, the economic consequences in certain sectors will be enormous. “

He stressed that there are still a lot of things we don’t know about the disease and how to deal with it, adding: “Usually, in the normal situation, economists put a lot of information in their economic models, so that information is logical, stable and reasonably predictable, but in this The current situation is completely unpredictable. “

He continued: “I think it is very difficult for the image to be clear, but the damage will certainly be clear. I think this means that each company, government and country should review its structure and how it is ready for the future.”

In the UAE, Blair made it clear that it is one of the best countries in the world to deal with the Corona virus, and this was really interesting.

“The challenge the UAE faces is that it depends on certain sectors that are clearly affected by the crisis. So I think the UAE economy will take time to adapt. But the only thing I learned about the country’s leadership is that they have an idea and I think even before the crisis, “he said. They were looking for ways to reduce dependence on oil. “
