Today’s Amr El-Shobaki article: How do we deal with Ethiopia’s shocking announcement of the second landfill and start building a second dam?


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Today’s article is a service of the Al-Masry Al-Youm portal to highlight one of the opinion pieces daily to highlight the content of the article and the author’s most prominent mention.

Al-Masry Al-Youm is packed with a group of leading thinkers, writers, and specialists, including Amr Al-Shobaki, who featured prominently in his article entitled “The Second Filling?” On the Renaissance Dam developments and America’s position under Joe Biden’s administration.

“Al-Shobaki” began his article: “Two shocking announcements announced by Ethiopia recently: the first is to start building a second dam (Agma Shasha) in the Amhara region, with a height of 45 and a half meters, a length of 371 meters and a storage capacity of 55 million cubic meters (the same as Egypt’s annual quota), And the second is Ethiopia’s announcement of the start of the second filling of the Renaissance Dam in July, which means, if it occurs , without an agreement with Egypt and Sudan, a total victory for the Ethiopian will.

The writer continued: “It is striking that the negotiations that began yesterday between the three countries did not result as usual in any progress, despite Egypt’s accession to them, which in itself is not detrimental provided that a strong political and media discourse (and perhaps incitement) is adopted that shows the world the serious risks 100 million Egyptians as a consequence of the second filling and the threat of a real thirst for water, which happened only once in the Chancellor’s speech before the Security Council, last year.

He continued: “The course of the negotiations is theoretically based on the idea that Ethiopia has the right to build the dam based on the perception that development is Ethiopia’s right and life is Egypt’s right. So Ethiopia committed to the first and did not respect the second, and Egypt entered into negotiations during the past year and completed them with the six-party negotiations that took place last Sunday. It was sponsored by South Africa, current Chairman of the Executive Council of the African Union, and ended as usual.

He concluded: “Egypt must adopt harsh political and media rhetoric that refutes all of Ethiopia’s false accusations.”

To read the full article, click here

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