“Time” protects Beckenbauer from being sued for corruption


Reuters Franz Beckenbauer

The “Kaiser” Franz Beckenbauer and the former officials of the German Football Association will not be prosecuted for allegations of corruption in the granting of rights for the 2006 World Cup due to their fall in time.

This came according to what was announced by the Ethics Committee of the International Gaming Federation, this Thursday.

FIFA said in a statement that “the Judicial Chamber of the Independent Ethics Committee has ruled that the behavior of Franz Beckenbauer, Theo Zfantsiger and Horst Rudolf Schmidt should not be prosecuted in connection with the 2006 World Cup due to the passage of time. “.

The domestic judiciary told FIFA that it had decided that the time limit had expired in 2012 for former soccer star Beckenbauer, and in 2015 for the Zvansiger and Schmidt couple.

In March 2016, the FIFA Ethics Committee opened formal proceedings against Beckenbauer and five others for their role in granting the rights for the 2006 World Cup in Germany, amid allegations of bribery.

Beckenbauer, head of Germany’s bid to host the 2006 World Cup, was the subject of an investigation by the Swiss judiciary on charges of buying votes for the rights to host the World Cup, but denied this claim.

In this case, the former president of the local Zfantsiger association and the former general secretary Schmidt have also been mentioned.

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At that time, the Ethics Committee referred to “possible improper payments and contracts for the right to organize the 2006 World Cup.”

The report, published by the German magazine “Der Spiegel” in 2015, raised what was hidden in public, which claimed that Germany used a “secret fund” of 10 million Swiss francs (6.7 million euros) to buy votes and obtain the rights to host the World Cup at South Africa’s expense.

Germany beat South Africa at the 2006 World Cup by 12 votes to 11.

“Kaiser” was one of the stars who won the 1974 World Cup as a player after defeating the Netherlands in the final 2-1. He also won the title as a coach in 1990, when he led his country to victory over Argentina with a free goal.

Source: “AFP”
