Thrown or burned corpses. What is the true number of crown deaths in Mexico?


2:55 PM

Thursday May 14, 2020

I wrote – Rana Osama:
Britain’s Sky News highlighted the tragic situation in Mexico with the increasing number of deaths due to the outbreak of the emerging corona virus, which exceeded the number of hospitals and funerals, in a result that it said was “much higher” than the official figures announced. .

The British Network quoted in its research published on its website, officials from the Ministry of Health of Mexico, saying that the number of people who died of a crown in the country is 5 times higher than official government figures.

So far, Mexico has registered 4,220 deaths and more than 40,000 infections due to the emerging coronavirus caused by Covid 19, according to official figures.

The Mexico City Sky News investigative team documented cremations and funerals, and gained access to overloaded storage rooms for crown victims, all of which indicate that government data on the number of deaths is “incorrect.” .

In most of Mexico City, the second largest city in Latin America, spatial divergence is absent, as popular markets and some companies operate normally, despite the pandemic.


On the other hand, the Mexican authorities say that the curve of injuries and deaths in the country is flat, and that the next imam will witness a significant decrease in the number of deaths.

At a press conference a few days ago, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador told his people: “What the world knows about Mexico is that we are controlling the epidemic, and this is basically what we do, because the Mexican people is making conscious efforts. “

But several officials familiar with the authorities’ handling of the epidemic crisis, who have requested anonymity, have refuted the Mexican president’s statements, saying they are “incorrect.”

One of those officials confirmed to Sky News that official figures reduce the actual number of deaths by at least 5 times.


According to the investigation, top doctors who specialize in epidemics issued a warning to the Mexican government of an “impending pandemic” last January, but were told that “there is nothing the government can do.”

Intentionally not publishing the correct death toll appears to be part of a government strategy that Mexico uses to contain the panic of the epidemic, particularly in the poorest neighborhoods of Mexico City, whose population, according to unofficial figures, exceeds 30 million. of people, living in extreme poverty. .

As part of the investigation, Sky News said it had tried to track actual death numbers by calling or visiting dozens of hospitals, funerals and crematoriums in Mexico City.

And I saw pictures of dead bodies in these places that I found inside plastic bags lying on the floor or on the dissection tables because “the refrigerators are already full.”


And in every public crematorium in the city, some bodies wait their turn for 3 days before burning them, and workers demand that new cemeteries be created, after the crematoria have been unable to absorb more bodies recently.

In a hospital, workers were forced to use an autopsy store as a warehouse, which was stacked in plastic bags on dissection tables and on the floor of the site.

And data analysis by the British Network at 30 crematoriums in Mexico City showed that each receives 18-22 corpses a day, while some wait 3 days before cremation.

With an average of 20 crematories investigated, Sky News concluded that the total number of victims of the crown burned daily is 600. This figure does not include crematories and other burials within the country.

The metropolitan area of ​​Mexico City encompasses two federal entities: Mexico City and the State of Mexico. For this reason, to determine the actual official number of deceased persons, the entity numbers must be added.

Official government figures indicate the average number of deaths per day in Mexico City as a result of Corona 189 during the month of May and 185 in the state of Mexico. This brings the total daily deaths to 374.

Which means, according to the analysis of “Sky News”, that there are at least 226 additional deaths that occur daily in the country since the beginning of this month, for reasons probably related to the Coronavirus.

Holocaust sources told the British network that between 80 and 90 percent of the bodies they have to deal with (cremation) belong to the “Coved 19” dead.

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According to official government data in Mexico, the total number of deaths caused by “Coved 19” in Mexico City and the state of Mexico is 1,332 cases, since the outbreak began in the country.

In fact, the average number of daily “Covid 19” -related deaths in Mexico City and the state of Mexico as of May 12, according to the government, is only 34.

Assuming that 80 percent of deaths that are not absorbed by hospitals and treated by incinerators are attributable to the coronavirus, the Sky News analysis showed that the official government figure for the number of deaths represents only 19 percent of the real number that exceeds it by almost 5 times.

The British Network indicated that it had tried to obtain a comment from the Mexican government to explain the discrepancy in the numbers, but had not yet responded to its request.
