Three Libyans arrested who burned an African migrant alive in Tripoli – Erm News


The arrest of 3 Libyans who burned an African migrant ...

On Wednesday, the Interior Ministry of the Government of National Accord announced the arrest of three Libyans who killed a Nigerian migrant by setting him on fire in a factory in the capital, Tripoli. She added

On Wednesday, the Interior Ministry of the Government of National Accord announced the arrest of three Libyans who killed a Nigerian migrant by setting him on fire in a factory in the capital, Tripoli.

The Tripoli-based ministry added, in a statement, that it had arrested the three suspects in the case, explaining that they had used gasoline to set the victim on fire in a factory.

On Tuesday, three Libyans burned the African immigrant by pouring gasoline and setting him on fire in the suburb of Tajoura, east of the capital Tripoli.

One of the factory owners narrated the story through a police report, in which he said that 3 people broke into his factory located in Tajura and the African workers who were doing their work in the factory fled, and one of them fled It remained, so the intruders killed him by throwing gasoline at him and setting him on fire while he was alive.

In its statement, the Interior Ministry noted that the three perpetrators reside in Tajura, and are: the so-called (HAM), Libyan, born in 1981, the so-called (MFD), Libyan, born in 1986, and the so-called (AAA) , Libyan, born in 1985..

The defendants admitted during the investigations that they had committed the act, and the police referred them to the Public Ministry to complete the remaining legal procedures.

The United Nations called the incident “another stupid crime against migrants in the country,” said Federico Suda, head of the United Nations International Organization for Migration mission in Libya: that those responsible for this crime must be held accountable .

According to the International Organization for Migration, there are half a million migrants in Libya and thousands of migrants have tried to cross the sea on a dangerous journey to Europe this year, many of them drowning.

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