They participated against Zamalek … 4 new infections with the virus “Corona” in the Moroccan team Raja


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Moroccan reports revealed that the players of the Moroccan team Raja were infected with the new Corona virus, after the first leg of the semifinals of the African Champions League, which was played on Sunday night in Morocco.

According to the Moroccan website sport.le360, laboratory tests for the detection of the emerging corona virus, to which members of the Raja football team were subjected, revealed that 4 prominent players were infected with the virus, before the Green’s delegation Team will travel to Cairo for the second leg against Zamalek.

Reliable sources indicated that the aforementioned tests confirmed a positive lesion: Mohsen Metwalli, Omar Al-Arjoun, Anas Jabroun, and then Abdel-Elah Al-Hafizi, in addition to Mohamed Azarida and Ayoub Nahzi, which will prevent them from accompanying Al-Rajaa to Cairo for the second leg, next Saturday, for a second leg. Champions League semi-finals.

The problems of Hamal Salami, Raja’s coach, multiplied before the aforementioned confrontation, especially since the team suffered a large group of its players in recent times and lacked the required preparation, and it is Abdul Rahim Shakir, Omar Boutayeb , Abdel Halil Ihebeira, then Al-Libi Sanad Al-Werfalli.

It is noteworthy that the match between Raja and their host Zamalek will take place next Saturday, at the International Stadium in Cairo, starting at eight at night.

  • The situation in Egypt

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  • Recovered


  • Mortality

