They harassed his wife. The owner of the video of the shooting was arrested on Bitash Street.


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Security services in Alexandria arrested the owner of the incident of the shooting on Bitash Street, west of Alexandria.

The pioneers of the social networking site Facebook circulated a video clip showing a person firing bullets from Tabanja in his possession on the main street of Al-Bitash before the entrance to the honeymoon area in the Al-Ajami neighborhood, carrying a knife that threatened people on the other hand.

The Monitoring Unit of the Alexandria Security Directorate was able to identify the owner of the video clip, and General Mahmoud Abu Amra, Alexandria Security Director, quickly ordered the aforementioned arrest.

Once the procedures were codified, investigating officers from the Dekheila Police Department were able to arrest the owner of the video clip and in possession of the weapon used.

Police investigations revealed that the cause of the incident was that some people were in front of the defendant’s wife while she was walking down the street, and on her return she told her husband, and he went out with a knife and another and fired . shooting a group of people, wounding some of them.

The necessary record of the incident was prepared and sent to the Public Ministry to initiate an investigation into the incident.

With pictures: the arrest of the owner of the filming video, Bashar Al-Bitash … “reflectors of his wife”

With pictures: the arrest of the owner of the filming video, Bashar Al-Bitash … “reflectors of his wife”

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