10:59 pm
Friday, January 15, 2021
Books – Hadi Al-Madani:
Jean-Luc Boisen, hiring director of the French club Saint-Etienne, responded to the statement issued by Zamalek following the statements of Roland Romier, CEO of the French club, saying that the closing of negotiations has turned into a disaster for the future of Mustafa Mohamed.
Boizin said in his remarks, Leela Kora, after the statement issued by Zamalek: “This matter is a disaster for the player and the future, as he does not deserve what they did, after all the commitment he showed with the team throughout over the years within the club “.
In a statement issued today, Zamalek announced that the door to negotiation and legal action has been closed to preserve the legal and moral rights of its officials.
Regarding the statements of the CEO of his club, Bozen said: “I am not sure of the translation, although it was accurate in conveying exactly what he said.”
In response to whether he had referred to the issue of commissions to broker agents in the deal, he said: “This is what I was supposed to say, because a lot of agents are trying to get into the deal to get a commission and he believes that the price has gone up because of that. “
He added: “That’s why Roland was angry, and so frustrated that before his dialogue, someone sent him a final message saying that Zamalek thinks you have no money, and that is not true.”
And if the club is still interested in signing Mustafa Mohamed, he said: “Yes, it is true.”