“There is no need for all this shame” … Factory owner criticizes employee’s behavior in Maadi boy incident


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A source from the Maadi Child Harassment website revealed the analytical lab owner’s discontent with the employee who appeared in the video of the incident with the stalker.

The source, who declined to be identified, told “Al-Masry Al-Youm” that the factory owner was displeased with the employee’s behavior when uploading the video and posting it on his personal Facebook page.

Al-Masry Al-Youm at the scene of the incident of bullying a child in Maadi
Al-Masry Al-Youm at the scene of the incident of bullying a child in Maadi

According to the source, the factory owner told the employee: “We used to appreciate the girl’s response through the oath, and we had proof, and he didn’t need all the silence that happened.”

The source added that the employee responded to the factory owner, saying: “I have children and I think of any need because I do not see anyone in them in this situation, and all people should know and this person is taking the maximum penalty.” . “

Al-Masry Al-Youm at the scene of the incident of bullying a child in Maadi
Al-Masry Al-Youm at the scene of the incident of bullying a child in Maadi
Al-Masry Al-Youm at the scene of the incident of bullying a child in Maadi

Al-Masry Al-Youm wanted to go to the scene of the incident to learn the details of the accident.

“Al-Masry Al-Youm” met one of the workers at a kiosk located near the property, who said that the girl who had been harassed by street children was begging at the Freedom Square sign.

The worker – who refused to be identified – indicated that the accident occurred in front of an analysis laboratory located on the property and that the girl who published the video works there and is not a housewife as was rumored, adding that she saw the man through the lab chambers, prompting her to come out and confront him, but he denied it and was able to run away from them.

The pioneers of the social networking site “Facebook” had circulated a video clip monitored by one of the surveillance cameras that monitored the moment when a person harassed a child, demanding the Ministry of the Interior to stop him quickly, after he generated a state of resentment. and anger, especially after it coincided with the celebration of International Women’s Day.

Al-Masry Al-Youm at the scene of the incident of bullying a child in Maadi
Al-Masry Al-Youm at the scene of the incident of bullying a child in Maadi
Al-Masry Al-Youm at the scene of the incident of bullying a child in Maadi
Al-Masry Al-Youm at the scene of the incident of bullying a child in Maadi

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