“There are people who go a little beyond manners” … responds one of the heroes of “Body Guard”


12:18 a.m. M.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Books – Abdel Fattah Al-Ajami

Artist Sherif Idris, who participated in Adel Imam’s play “Body Guard”, responded to criticism of the work after it was shown for the first time on the mbc group’s “Shahid” platform.

Idris wrote, through his account on the site “Facebook”: “Good evening .. I am an actor in the show of the play (Body Guard). I have a great honor. I worked with the leader .. I have no right. To respond to any criticism directed at the work .. You are a spectator, your theatrical wonder or what you like. This is your fully legitimate right and your criticism is in my head .. But for people who are a little insignificant, I must say two important words. “

He added: “First, I am not the one who will talk about Adel Imam and the history of Adel Imam. Second, I worked on this play in January 2006 until it closed at the end of 2010 and we were presenting Summer and Winter. … and I traveled with the play to more than one Arab country … and I was entering the attendance volume of a play that has been going on for 11 years … Oh Ptkhad … this was an audience that I stopped going to the play … and on the trips, I was moved by the reception of the leader in whatever country we would go to … and the size of the audience that would attend in any country. “

He continued: “I am telling you about an important need … There were people looking once, twice and three times, so they could only see Adel Imam … This play was successful by all standards of success at the time it was showed … And with the time difference, you may not be surprised, but sadly let me tell you, Your Honor is not a standard. For success and failure, with great respect, as evidenced by the fact that it is the play most expensive I have, followed in the history of theater … and I saw his success every night with my own eyes, his success that is more important than money, his true success in the public that attended him for 11 consecutive years. … and the people’s love for Adel Imam and his story, which is nothing. A pot reaches a room and no one reaches “.

He concluded: “From the other, criticize your comfort, but with courtesy, and criticize you in my head … Thank you.”

On Friday, the “witness” platform began showing another “Al-Zaeem” Adel Imam play, “Body Guard,” after it obtained the rights to the play’s premiere 21 years after it was performed on stage. , under the auspices of the General Entertainment Authority in Saudi Arabia, and a group of channels mbc.

The work “Body Guard” topped the lists of the most popular topics on social networks, after it was shown on the platform “witness”, and many expressed their opinion about the work, and it seems that the work did not meet expectations audience ratings, and most of the comments were negative.

Read also | I see, she didn’t come off the stairs, all of which are indications … How did the audience comment on the play “Body Guard”?

“Body Guard” starring leader Adel Imam, written by Youssef Maati and directed by Rami Imam, and theatrical performances were launched with the participation of the stars: Izzat Abu Ouf, Mustafa Metwally, Saeed Abdulghani, Sherine Seif Al-Nasr and others, and was shown between 1999 and 2010.

The facts of the play revolve around the prisoner “Adham” who makes a deal with the imprisoned businessman “Saad”, accused of stealing 700 million pounds, to work as a bodyguard for his wife, “Aisha”, with whom he falls in love . with “Adham”. Eventually, “Kazem” Siddiq discovers that “Saad” informs him of this exaggerated interest, and “Saad” discovers his wife’s betrayal, then fabricates an accusation for “Adham”, as he tries to escape with the money he stole, but “Adham” is an obstacle in his way.
