The world is isolating Britain … the new, fast-spreading strain of coronavirus


The announcement by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and scientists on Saturday that the new strain of the virus has caused a sharp increase in the number of people infected in Britain, especially after a group of scientists confirmed that the new strain discovered in the country is 70% more contagious, to create a state of fear and anxiety. In some countries, including:

Kuwait: The Kuwait Civil Aviation Administration announced on Sunday that, in accordance with the instructions of the health authorities, Great Britain has been added to the high-risk countries, from which flights are prohibited from entering the State of Kuwait.

Italy: Italian Chancellor Luigi Di Maio announced that his country is about to suspend flights with the United Kingdom, adding that we, as a government, have a duty to protect Italians, and for this, after notifying the British government, and with the Ministry of Health, we are about to sign a measure to suspend flights with Great Britain, and the priority. For us, it is protecting Italy and our citizens. “

Netherlands: The Dutch government imposed a ban on flights from the UK, due to concerns about the emergence of a new strain of the Corona virus.

Austria: where government sources in Austria said the government plans to stop flights to Britain, after the emergence of the emerging corona virus there.

Belgium: The government had issued decisions to suspend flights from Great Britain from midnight, while media reports confirmed informed sources that Germany and France would announce the same decision.
