The world expects an alarming natural phenomenon that has not occurred in 5,500 years


A very scary study published two days ago at the University of Alaska warned of a disturbing natural phenomenon that had not happened in 5,500 years.

The study confirmed that the area in which the phenomenon will occur is the Pacific Ocean, since the ice in the Bering Sea has reached its lowest level in 5,500 years.

In this study, the researchers analyzed the vegetation cover that accumulated on uninhabited St. Matthew Island over the past 5,000 years.

They looked for differences between the peat layers of oxygen atoms called isotopes 16 and 18, the ratio of which is related over time to atmospheric and oceanic changes and precipitation.

“It’s a little island in the middle of the Bering Sea,” Jones said. “It basically records what happens in the ocean and the surrounding atmosphere.”

The scientists focused their study on a single 1.45-meter-long peat core taken from San Mateo in 2012, representing 5,500 years of accumulation.

“What we’ve seen recently is unprecedented in the past 5,500 years,” wrote the director of the Alaska Stable Isotope Facility and co-author of the analysis, Matthew Waller.

He also noted that ice in the Arctic and the Bering Sea begins to melt in the summer and begins to freeze again in the winter.

As for the Arctic, the decrease in winter ice in recent decades is evident and rapid.

Finally, the researchers responsible for the study confirmed that the years 2018-2019 witnessed a significant decrease in ice levels in the Bering Sea.

It should be noted that, recently, there has been a proliferation of research on the topic of melting ice in the Arctic, as scientists have confirmed that climate change and rising temperatures in the Arctic are “strongly linked” to weather events. extreme and can affect the world as a whole.
