The virus continues to mutate. What is the difference between the new Corona strain in?


5:44 p. M.

Sunday 20 December 2020

Books – Mr. Metwally

The new Corona virus continues to mutate globally after the emergence of more than one strain of Covid-19, the last of which was in Britain.

A new strain of Covid-19 is currently spreading across the UK and was first identified last week during routine surveillance by the Public Health Authority in England.

According to the British newspaper “Express”, the new strain is spreading as quickly as possible in the south-east of England, as London, Kent and other parts of the south-east have been subjected to a new blockade starting on December 20.

British dynasty

Public Health England stated that, as of December 13, 1,108 cases with this new strain had been identified, mainly in the south and east of England, and it was named the VUI-20 2012/01 strain.

Ferry at 70%

According to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the new strain is 70 percent more contagious than previous forms of the virus.

“There is no evidence to suggest that the strain is more deadly or causes more serious disease,” Johnson said.

“Masrawy” contacted the vaccine and vaccine allergy and immunology consultant Amjad Al-Haddad to reveal the difference between the new Corona strain in Britain and Egypt.

According to Dr. Amjad Al-Haddad, there are 3 strains of the Corona virus in Egypt, but they are less dangerous than the rest of the world, highlighting that the latter appeared with the second wave, and was identified through tests carried out on the patients to ensure they are infected.

Al-Haddad added: “Those infected with the first and second strains differ from those with the third strain in the way in which symptoms and complications appear, the severity of the virus and the extent of its effect in humans.”

“Al-Haddad” continued: “No one can determine the infection of any of the strains except by taking a sample from the patient, analyzing it, knowing its source and all its details, and seeing the results on the patient.”

Is it the most dangerous new strain?

Al-Haddad explains: “The new strain in Egypt is spreading at maximum speed, but not deadlier, which was evident by the increase in the number of infected cases in the recent period, which is similar to the strain spread in Britain”.

Are the symptoms getting worse?

Al-Haddad continues: “The new strain does not cause worse or different symptoms of the Corona virus, and perhaps the most prominent are: high fever, persistent cough and loss of sense of taste and smell.”

And Dr. Muhammad Awad Taj al-Din, the president’s adviser for health affairs, confirmed that there is a ferocious new strain that has characteristics that were not present in any previous strain, including its ability to rapidly infect.

Taj al-Din explained during a telephone conversation with journalist Muhammad al-Baz, in the “Late An-Nahar” program broadcast by the Al-Nahar channel, that the infected person can transmit the infection to 3 or 4 or more due to the new strain, but in the older strains, it was transmitting the infection to a person.
