The “veto” supports the imprisonment of Anas Al-Feki for 3 years with work


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Today, Thursday, the Court of Cassation confirmed the sanction of Anas Ahmed Nabih Al-Fiqi, former Minister of Information, with imprisonment for a period of three years and dismissal from office for a period of three years, and forcing him to pay criminal charges. in the case in which he is accused of wasting public money, he bore the number 2032 of the serious crimes of Bulaq Abu Al-Ala.

The details of that case returned when the Court of Cassation ruled 8 years ago to accept the appeal presented by Anas Al-Fiqi, former Minister of Information, and to try him again before a different circuit for his accusation of waste of public money in the Radio Syndicate and Television, after the annulment of an aggravated prison sentence of 7 years and the dismissal from office.

The Prosecutor’s Office instructed the former Minister of Information Anas Al-Fiqi that during the month of July 2009, as a public employee, he deliberately harmed the funds of the agency for which he works by deciding to exempt private Egyptian satellite channels from paying the value of The transmission of signal for football matches in contravention of the provisions of the law that stipulate that radio and television revenues constitute of the materials resulting from the activities of their sectors and services, with the intention of causing the loss of funds of the Union of Radio and Television. and the loss of profits realized in the value of this exemption amounting to 12 million Egyptian pounds.

The prosecution referred the defendant to serious crimes after their investigations revealed that he intentionally damaged the funds and interests of the party in which he works severely, by deciding without law to exempt private Egyptian satellite channels from paying the value of the signal of football broadcast. matches for the 2009/2010 sports season and the start of the 2010/2010 season. 2011, in violation of the provisions of the law that establishes that the income of the Radio and Television Union consists of the materials resulting from the activities of its sectors and the services it performs, with the intention of causing the loss of the Union’s funds of Radio and Television under his supervision and the loss of profits made to him for the value of this exemption.

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