The third episode of “Election” … Abu Omar was arrested alive


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The events of the third episode of the series “The Choice” began with a scene of the terrorist Hisham Ashmawi, who plays the role of the artist Ahmed Al-Awadi, and heads to the airport, to travel to Syria through Turkey, to join the “Jabhat al-Nusra, and one of his sermons he attended in his childhood, by Dr. Abdel Star. God is a member of the Guidance Office, where he recommends reading the books” Abu Al-Ali Al-Mujoodi and Sayyid Qutb. ” Ashmawi recommends his sister’s husband to his family on his way to the airport, then installs the Ashmawi plane, to sit with the permission of a Christian, to remember a dialogue with his father in his childhood, in which he felt in him No dealing with his Christian friend, and not exposing himself to Leh, in the name of religion, and his father scolded him for talking to his neighbor.

The events moved to the Egyptian lightning team as they boarded the warplane from Almaza airport and headed to Al-Areesh airport, led by Al-Mansi, who embodies the role of artist Amir Karara, and Captain Ali, who He plays the role of the artist Asir Yassin, and Al Mansi gives them instructions, dividing into two groups, one with him and one. With Captain Ali, and commissioned him to obtain Abu Omar, who is responsible for carrying out the first Rafah “Hay” massacre.

The plane carrying paratroopers arrives with its pilot, who plays the role of artist Iyad Nassar, and lands from the height of the plane at night inside the farm, after the arrival of Mansi and his forces.

The following scene shows the Takfiri leader, Abu Omar, Abu Mu’adh and his group of atheists, to engage in dialogue on delays in subsidies and supplies, to meet the demands of the mujahideen, after carrying out terrorist operations, and Egyptian lightning forces begin to move within the farm, then Mansi moves first and signals to move, and begins to fire using a pistol and a silencer, and the parachute commander signals that the path is safe for that the troops begin to move.

And snipers started chanting “the forgotten man who did not die”, and after the start of the movement the mine explodes, and calls the takfirin “jihad”, Abu Omar begins to request supplies and weapons, to move a car loaded with equipment and supplies from one of the underground stores.

An exchange of fire begins between the Egyptian forces and the infidels, and they discover that Abu Omar escapes from an underground crypt. Mansi orders Captain Omar to return with the forces with the two thoughts, and Mansi insists on obtaining Abu Omar.

On the other hand, the umbrellas besieged the car that was going to the supplies, and Captain Omar quotes during the exchange of fire with one of the elements of Takfiri, and the Mansi surrounded Abu Omar in the tunnel, to threaten to explode with the explosive belt, and the Mansi asked him to surrender, and he said: “We are too much or not.” She then turns him over to forces and hugs her body, Ali, after her martyrdom.

On the other hand, Ashmawi arrives in Syria, communicates with Abu Bassam to inform him of his arrival at the place specified by Abu Musab and to inform him of room number 301.

Al-Mansi arrives at the hospital to find his “tall” girl waiting, and asks his wife for a new son to call him “Ali”, and Al-Mansi goes with the belongings of the martyr Ali and delivers it to his father, to tell him that he was waiting for the testimony and asked God to refuse to marry so as not to have an orphan son. A father gives him a “gift of praise” for his martyr son.

Abu Bassam comes to Ashmawy to tell him that the Turks are partners with them in the smuggling of goods, and informs him that he will give him goods free of charge, provided his goods are insured, and requests to avoid his meeting with Abu Musab, and Mansi leaves. He sits down with a father and tells him about the martyrdom of Captain Ali, and remembers his childhood and summer vacation work in return. One pound

Ashmawi arrives at the Turkish-Syrian border, and Al-Nusra’s forces are stationed 200 kilometers from the border, and he meets Ashmawi, Abu Musab, and tells him that his presence with the infidels will be a reason for his victory in the religion of God, and tells him that he has trained fighters in Chechnya and Afghanistan, and asks him to train a group of Ashmawi told the fighters that he would work to train them in guerilla warfare and train them in ambushes and assaults, which is essentially what he learned in the Egyptian ray.

The second scene is broadcast by children playing with bullets, betting on the type of airplane based on its sound, be it the type A16 or mac 29, then they see cars heading to Jabhat al-Nusra and they know it is a car « Abu Nasr al-Baghdadi ”, and he comes to meet Hisham Ashmawi.

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