The Sports Minister includes Sami Subhi for the committee in charge of the management of Zamalek


Ashraf Subhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, decided to appoint Councilor Sami Subhi Mitri as the third member of the committee in charge of managing the affairs of the Zamalek club in the next term.

Sami Subhi will be on the committee made up of Emad Abdel Aziz, chair of the committee, and Hisham Ibrahim, deputy chair of the committee.

And Sami Sobhi worked in the military judiciary up to the rank of Major General, having previously worked as a consultant at the Ministry of the Environment and was assigned to various administrative positions.

For his part, counselor Sami Sobhi, treasurer of the club, expressed his joy at the launch of the ministry, highlighting his efforts with the committee in charge of the management of the Zamalek Club to do everything possible to work on all the files that are request them in the next period.

Sobhi confirmed his confidence in the solidarity of everyone within the club with the current committee and the support required in this period to achieve the aspirations of the Zamalekian fans.

In another context, the commission in charge of the management of the Zamalek club, headed by Emad Abdel Aziz, decided to form a permanent commission to monitor the club’s record of footballers.

The club’s management decided to form a permanent quadruple commission to monitor the file for the renewal of contracts and contracts and any matter related to the players of the soccer team.

This decision confirms the provision of the right climate for the team’s players, especially since this file represents a priority for the club’s management for the next period.

The last period has seen attempts by the club’s management to renew the contracts of the team quartet Ferjani Sassi, Youssef Ibrahim “Obama”, Mahmoud Abdel Razek “Shikabala” and finally Mahmoud Abdel Rahim “Jensh”.

The Zamalek club beat Smouha last Monday by winning two unanswered goals in the postponed round of the third week, instead, the white team will play against Enppi next Saturday within the accounts of the fifth round.
