The Sports Court returns Ahmed Ahmed to the presidency of “Kaf” temporarily


The International Court of Sports clarified that the decision issued today Friday to set the date of the emergency hearing, based on the request presented by Ahmed ahmed The president of the African Football Confederation (CAF), which resulted in the suspension of the 5-year suspension decision issued by FIFA, is not a decision that will absolve him of the charges against him by the Ethics Committee.

The International Court of Sports said in a statement on Friday: “The sanctions issued by FIFA will be suspended until the hearings are held and the final decision is made, and that the matter cannot be a final acquittal.”

The statement from the International Court of Sports added that Ahmed Ahmed will have the freedom to practice his activity in the world of football without freezing, as it was a “sufficient” decision.

The statement from the Sports Court continued: “This ruling remains preliminary until a hearing is held on March 2 to consider the grievance it presents against the decisions of FIFA, provided that the final decision on the case is issued before the date of the CAF presidential elections.. Scheduled for next March 12 “.

And if Ahmed is acquitted of the financial corruption charges that led to his suspension last November for five years for any football activity, the 61-year-old Malagasy will be able to defend the reinstatement of his position, competing with the four candidates. for the presidency..

The court added: “Given the risk of irreparable harm to Ahmed Ahmed if the disciplinary sanction is maintained before the elections, the Court of Arbitration for Sport temporarily suspends the effects of the FIFA decision, allowing the former president of the African Union Campaign.“.

The Judicial Chamber of the Ethics Committee had condemned Ahmed, who has headed the continental federation since 2017 and is running again for a second term, for violating various articles related to “the duty of loyalty … offering and accepting gifts or other benefits” . .. improper use of the position in addition to the misappropriation of money ”and fined him 200 thousand Swiss francs (185,000 euros).
