The sky of Cairo adorns the image of President El-Sisi and Egyptian symbols during the New Year celebration | Photo


The Egyptian flag and the martyrs of the armed forces and police decorated the New Year 2021 celebration, which was organized by United Media Services Company to celebrate New Year 2021, on the Long Live Egypt Bridge.

The celebration was crowned by many scenes, including photographs of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Egyptian scholars such as Ahmed Zewail, as well as artists throughout history such as Ms. Umm Kulthum and sports stars such as teacher Saleh Selim, and the sky was decorated with the image of the preacher Imam Sheikh Muhammad Metwally Al Shaarawy, with scenes from the national projects he established. The state, such as the Asmarat project, social housing and school development in the different educational stages.

The celebration is the culmination of the economic achievements of the Egyptian state. The celebration includes the largest fireworks displays in accordance with the highest levels of security. The Tahya Egypt Bridge represents one of the most important development projects in Egypt and is the widest milled bridge in the world and part of the Rawd al-Farag corridor, 100 meters high for the columns and 67 meters wide. Includes 6 lanes of traffic.

United Media Services said this comes as a framework of appreciation and gratitude to the Egyptian people who managed to work to make Egypt the only country in the Middle East to achieve positive economic growth in light of the Corona pandemic that has left Egypt behind. the main economies of the countries in a state of decline. Egypt managed to be the only economy that achieved growth in the emerging economies of the world.

New Year’s celebration

New Year’s celebration

New Year’s celebration

New Year’s celebration

New Year’s celebration

New Year’s celebration

New Year’s celebration

New Year’s celebration
