The Sheikh of Al-Azhar to the French Foreign Minister: “My talk about Islam and its prophet is far from diplomacy.”


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Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, said during his meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian at the Sheikh of Al-Azhar on Sunday evening: “My talk he is far from diplomacy when I speak of Islam and its Prophet, prayers of God and peace be upon him. “

The Sheikh of Al-Azhar added during the meeting: “The statement of the French Foreign Minister during the crisis was cause for our respect and appreciation. It was like the voice of reason and wisdom that we encouraged. “

He added: “Muslims around the world (rulers and ruled) reject terrorism that acts in the name of religion, and affirm the innocence of Islam and its prophet of any terrorism.”

He explained that “Al-Azhar represents the voice of almost two billion Muslims, and I said that the terrorists do not represent us and that we are not responsible for their actions. Islam needs no apologies. “

The Sheikh of Al-Azhar concluded his remarks by saying: “We wanted officials in Europe to be aware that what is happening does not represent Islam or Muslims. Especially since Muslims are the ones who pay the price for this terrorism more than others.

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