The second episode of “The Choice” … Mansi decides to go to Sinai and Ashmawi joins “Jabhat al-Nusra”.


For suggestions of places to go out

The events of the second episode of the “Choice” series began for scenes inside Rafah General Hospital in 2012, from the events of the first Rafah galaxy, and the events moved to the home of the terrorist Hisham Ashmawi, whose role embodies the artist Ahmed Al-Awadi, his wife and mother, and a dialogue is taking place around Suhoor’s table about the terrorist incident, then He is going to perform the Fajr prayer.

On the other hand, the officer Ahmed Mansi, who plays the role of the artist Amir Karara, appears in his room with a paper and a pen to draw a soldier with the flag of Egypt, and shows great sadness as a result of the terrorist incident, he refuses to eat suhoor and goes to perform the dawn prayer.

The events carry over to a dialogue between the terrorist Ashmawi and a member of Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis, in which he urges what he called jihad for the good of God, and declares that he “sends the intention” even if they kill innocent people. .

The events are broadcast to Mansi, who sits in the mosque and one of the faithful tells him about the correct jihad, using the words of Almighty God, “O Prophet, fight against the infidels and hypocrites,” which means good treatment and good word, don’t fight.

In a new scene, Ashmawi appears, accompanied by Emad’s friend, after President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi took over as Minister of Defense, and tells him about his desire for jihad in Syria and Iraq, so Imad advises him to come to Abu Musab, the emir of the Immigrant Brigade in Syria.

The events will carry over a million of the “people protecting it revolution” in protest against the 2012 constitutional declaration. Mansi says the declaration is to distract people from Sinai and what is happening there, and the crisis of gasoline appears waiting for Mansi and his friend for hours in front of a service station, so Mansi tells him of his decision to go to Sinai and recommend it to his family.

Ashmawi’s sadness appears after he left the service, which he had been waiting for years, and in March 2013 Ashmawi decided to travel to Abu Musab in Syria to communicate with the Nusra Front.

Mansi meets a general officer, playing the role of artist Iyad Nassar, who is ordered by the General Command to carry out an operation in Al-Arish, in response to the Rafah massacre, inside a farm west of the airport. from Al-Arish, which is a den of Takfiri leaders, and are ordered to arrest Abu Omar, who is responsible for carrying out the Rafah operation, Iyad Nassar and a group of umbrellas landed at night inside the farm , and Mansi and his squad moved from Almaza airport to Al-Arish airport, and then walked towards the farm, without attracting attention.

The events of the second episode end with a forgotten farewell to his wife, Ashmawi for his family, and the appearance of artist Aser Yassin as a member of the military operation to eliminate the Takfiris.

  • The situation in Egypt

  • Injuries


  • Recover


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