Watch the game Bayern Munich and Stuttgart

Bayern Munich vs Stuttgart bayern munich vs stuttgart Bayern Munich at the Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany, hosts FC Stuttgart at 4:30 pm Cairo time as part of the 26th week of the Bundesliga airing on many sports channels local German and European sports channels, spearheaded by Sky News Bundesliga and Matches Football.

Bayern Munich leads this season, as usual, in the Bundesliga Premier League table with fifty-eight points after having played twenty-five games this season, of which they have only defeated in three games and drawn in four games, but managed to win eighteen matches, which allowed it to be only at the top of the German league with fifty-eight points, four points behind its closest rivals, as Leipzig is in second place with only fifty-four points, and Bayern Munich will remain in the lead even if they are defeated in tonight’s match.

As for the Stuttgart club, they were satisfied to achieve victory in only nine of the twenty-five games they have played so far this season in the German League, First Division, and tied in nine other games, while the defeat of the his participation was seven games, so his balance stopped at thirty-four. One point, which gave it eighth place in the German league standings, and is largely out of the way of first-place competitions in major European championships such as the Champions League and the European League.

Bayern Munich vs Stuttgart match card

  • 🏆 Championship: German League.
  • 🏅 The route: week 26.
  • 🏟️ Stadium: Allianz Arena.
  • 🎤 Voiceover: English.
  • 📺 Streaming channels: (not broadcast in Arabic) – BT Sport 2 HD.
  • When: 4:30 pm (GMT 2+).
  • Date: Saturday (20 – 03 – 2021).
  • The result: Bayern Munich 4-0 Stuttgart.