The Public Ministry refers the “lady of the court” to criminal trial for her assault on an agent


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The prosecutor ordered the counselor, Hamada Al-Sawy, on Saturday, to refer the defendant Noha Al-Imam Al-Sayed, attorney general of the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office, to criminal prosecution. Accusing her of insulting a police officer by pointing and saying in the performance of her work and for her performance, and of raping him by force and violence during and for that, and her transgression occurred with blows that resulted in injuries to him, in addition to deliberately destroying personal property that she does not own, resulting in financial damage.

Investigations by the “Public Ministry” culminated in the defendant’s attack on the “Commander of the Guard of the Heliopolis Court Complex” by saying that if he inspects the security situation in the court, after warning him that he must wear a medical mask in accordance with the precautionary measures, and stop photographing some of the court employees in the performance of their work, which constitutes a punishable act. Legally, when she kept his mobile phone to stop the filming, and whoever attacked him, destroyed his military rank and a wireless device in his possession and caused him injuries, then put it away and took note of the incident with a photo attached , which circulated on social networks.

The “Public Ministry” had consulted a lawyer and a worker who were in court at the time of the events, who testified about the content of the victim’s testimony, and confirmed the defendant’s transgression by telling and beating him, in addition of the personal property that she destroyed, while the defendant affirmed in his interrogation that he was defending himself after the officer had made an altercation with her.

The Public Ministry examined the defendant’s phone and found six photographs taken from inside the court, in which some undecided people and employees appeared, and who were captured on the day of the incident.

Consequently, the Public Ministry decided that the evidence was sufficient to take the accused to criminal trial for the crimes she had committed.

The United Nations family in Egypt had affirmed their full commitment to Egyptian laws and their respect for all Egyptian state agencies and all their workers and laborers while carrying out their work, in their first comment on the incident.

The United Nations family announced its rejection of any transgression on its behalf, noting that under the United Nations Charter there are no privileges or immunities that exempt United Nations employees from observing the laws and regulations of the state in which they are located. .

The United Nations called on everyone to follow the preventive measures currently in place to limit the spread of the Corona epidemic, in accordance with the instructions of the Egyptian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, including the use of masks in public places. to preserve public health.

On Monday, the security services had detained a woman named “NA”, who was learned from investigations that they had violated the lieutenant colonel. A ‘, commander of the Heliopolis court guards, while doing his job, and tore his clothes because he demanded that they wear a muzzle.

Investigations revealed that she tore the officer’s clothes, stripped al-Miri’s rank and insulted him, saying: “I work at the United Nations, garbage.”

One of the people within the court who witnessed the incident photographed and posted it on social media, and the defendant was arrested and referred to the Nuzha Prosecutor’s Office for investigation.

Counselor Essam Al-Minshawi, Head of the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office, had assigned the Inspection Department of the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office to carry out an investigation into the incident after it was discovered that she was a member of the Administrative Prosecutor’s Office.

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