The new movie “Tom and Jerry” is the most searched on Google


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The new Tom and Jerry movie was the first episode of the Tom and Jerry movie cartoon series more than 80 years ago, despite the great competition and the existence of conflicts between competitors in the field of animation.

The new Tom and Jerry movie was released on Friday, February 26, after being ranked as the list of the most traded in the world.

The idea of ​​the film is based on the technique of combining live image and animation, with wide reactions among global and Arab audiences alike through social media platforms, where one of them said: “The film is boring. , but with this I completed it because Tom and Jerry is what is useful to them, “he said. Another follower:” Tom and Jerry is the most pleasant thing I have ever seen in my life.

Another added: “Although the Tom and Jerry movie is fun in every sense of the word and interesting with all the events and adventures, there is some hype, especially the destruction of the hotel more than once, and Kayla’s ability to understand Tom and Jerry. “

Tom and Jerry movie heads the world trend

Tom and Jerry, the most searched new movie on Google

It marks the 81st anniversary of the first appearance of the “classic Tom and Jerry movie,” and the film’s production company announced that it will be available in four languages ​​and will be shown on March 5 in all theaters across the country. world.

The month of February was chosen in particular for the film, because it marks the 81-year anniversary of Tom & Jerry’s first appearance to the world on television in 1940.

The Tom and Jerry movie is at the top of the global trend.

The film, whose idea is to combine the live image with animation, won the admiration of the public, especially in the Arab world, after the film was leaked through the Internet.

The trailer for the film begins with a scene in which the two seem to reconcile and reconcile; But things soon return to their original course, and Tom falls for Jerry’s stunt and collides with a bus.

The events of the film continue, full of traditional tricks for them, combining the character of the classic versions of the series with the update of the story.

The company, which produces the Tom and Jerry film, announced that it will be available in four languages ​​and will be screened on March 5 in all theaters around the world.

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