“The most dangerous bag in the world” … Trump brings “nuclear football” into the isolation hospital


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A report in the British newspaper “Daily Mail” indicated that US President Donald Trump was escorted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Hospital in Maryland, where he is being treated for the emerging corona virus, the most dangerous bag in the world.

According to the British newspaper, Trump’s aides transferred the bag, known as “the nuclear soccer ball”, to the helicopter that was transporting the US president from the White House to the “Walter Reed” hospital.

The nuclear portfolio has accompanied all the presidents of the United States in case they leave the White House since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, after John F. Kennedy felt threatened by the small Caribbean nation.

The name of the portfolio comes from the Eisenhower-era nuclear war plan, which was based on the threat to use nuclear weapons to end the Korean War and prioritize “nuclear deterrence” while reducing funding for the conventional military forces.

There are 3 nuclear bags distributed between the president and his deputy, while the last copy is kept in the White House, to receive orders to launch nuclear weapons at any time.

According to the “Daily Mail”, the carriers of the bags are armed with “Beretta” pistols, and have orders to shoot anyone who tries to take them.

Despite the paucity of information on the bag, the presence of a small built-in antenna indicates that it contains a satellite phone, according to Sky News.

The bag also contains a 75-page booklet containing information informing the president of the options he has on his hands regarding directing nuclear strikes, as well as maps of fortified hiding places in the event of a devastating war.

And if he wants to launch a nuclear attack, the president mentions the code of the Military Command Center in Washington, DC, which completes the mission according to his instructions.

Despite the danger of the nuclear bag, history has recorded strange accidents associated with it, since it was forgotten on the presidential plane of the Gerald Ford era in 1975, during his participation in a summit in France.

Under President Jimmy Carter, a false alarm was issued from the Air Defense Control Center stating that the Russian missiles were aimed at the United States, but the National Security Advisor’s delay in waking the president averted disaster, as that there was a denial of the monitoring process.

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