The Meteorology: Cairo’s rain will be moderate … and this is the date for the end of the wave of bad weather


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Dr. Iman Shaker, Undersecretary of the Remote Sensing Center of the General Meteorology Authority, confirmed that tomorrow the end of the wave of bad weather will end, saying: “The end of the wave of bad weather and tomorrow there will be various other details, and rain will be moderate in intensity in Cairo and abundant on the northern shores and city towns. the channel”.

Dr. Iman Shaker added, in a telephone interview with the “Cairo Talk” program with the media Khairy Ramadan and Karima Awad, on the Cairo and Al-Nas channel, that all these areas on the northern and lower coasts Egypt will witness moderate to heavy rains and will start from dawn on Wednesday morning.

He continued: “We have not officially started the winter season and it will start on December 21, and last winter we have witnessed new instances of instability and this year in the reports of the seasonal forecasts. We cannot expect a need 48 hours in advance, and it is transmitted to all authorities and governorates to educate citizens “, highlighting that climate changes have affected the world. Everything.

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