The main symptoms warn about the lack of vitamin D in the body!



The main symptoms warn about the lack of vitamin D in the body!


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It can be difficult to spot the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency because it doesn’t necessarily make you feel bad. But the specific signs that a person may notice, especially during the quarantine period, may indicate this deficiency.

The British National Health Service NHS said that vitamin D is extremely important to the overall health of the body, as it helps keep muscles, bones and teeth healthy.

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to serious complications, such as bone softening, rickets, or some distortions. It can also lead to muscle weakness, joint pain, and even poor wound healing.

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A sign on the lips can indicate a significant vitamin deficiency for the body!

Medical director of the Thriva Center in the capital London, Dr. Vishal Shah, believes that since people don’t spend much time outdoors during general closings due to the new Coronavirus, everyone is likely to develop vitamin D deficiency.

Shah revealed that the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include: often illness, feeling tired, bone and joint pain, weak bones, poor wound healing, muscle weakness and depression.

Vitamin D deficiency can increase your chances of developing cardiovascular disease, asthma in children, or even some types of cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamin D supplements during the quarantine period, according to the instructions of the doctors.

Older people and people who are overweight, or rarely outdoors, are at the highest risk for vitamin D deficiency.

It should be noted that the best natural sources of vitamin D include fatty fish and egg yolks.

Source: Express
