The Lebanese judiciary condemns Nancy Ajram’s husband and charges him with premeditated murder


The first investigating judge on Mount Lebanon, Nicolas Mansour, issued his court decision against Dr. Fadi Al-Hashem, husband of Lebanese star Nancy Ajram, in the murder of the Syrian Muhammad Al-Mousa, which took place several months ago. .

The judge convicted Nancy Ajram’s husband for the crime of homicide, based on article 547 plus article 228 of the Penal Code, and his punishment ranges from 15 to 20 years, and the file was sent to the Criminal Court.

Article 547 establishes that “Anyone who deliberately kills a person will be punished with forced labor for fifteen to twenty years.”

The Attorney General of Appeal of Mount Lebanon, Judge Ghada Aoun, was charged with the premeditated murder of Dr. Fadi Al-Hashem, according to article 547, whose punishment ranges from 15 to 20 years, but added it to article 229 of the Lebanese Penal Code that gives mitigating reasons until it is exempted. If it is proven that he was killed in self-defense.

It should be noted that the accusation joins article 229 that withdraws the accusation for legitimate defense, which establishes: “The author will not be sanctioned for an act imposed out of necessity until he defends it for himself or for another’s account, or for his property other property, an imminent physical danger that you did not cause. Intentionally the condition that the action is proportional to the danger

It is noteworthy that Fadi Al-Hashem became the most popular name on the pages of social networking sites, not only because he was the husband of one of the most famous artists in the Arab world, Nancy Ajram, but because his name was linked to a case that became the most exciting and mysterious of the past period, as Fadi was charged with the premeditated murder of the young man. The Syrian Muhammad al-Musa, who broke into al-Fadi’s home long ago.

But who is Fadi Al-Hashem and what is his story before he associated with me?

He works as a dentist and follows many cases, most of which are famous.

His love affair with Nancy Ajram began in 2005 through his frequent visits to her clinic as a patient, then strengthened the relationship and ended the marriage in 2008 in Cyprus.

Al-Hashem held a grand wedding ceremony in Marrakech, Morocco, and the honeymoon was on the islands of Europe.

Shakira’s $ 11 million, $ 648 million mansion was the redeemer’s gift to Nancy.

They had 3 children, Ella, Mila and Leia.

He was born in 1969, which means that the age difference between him and artist Nancy is 14 years.

They were married in civil marriage for their different religious sect, since he is from the Maronite sect and she belongs to the Roman sect.

He loves meditation and taming predators, and in his bachelor house he had a snake that he spent years raising in his home.

– Judge Ghada Aoun, Appeal Prosecutor of Mount Lebanon, charged him with the crime of murder of the Syrian citizen Muhammad Musa, according to article 547, included in article 229, penalties (intentional homicide).

There are many stories on this topic. Some said that the young man, who is Syrian, used to work for Nancy Ajram and wanted to claim her dues, while Nancy denies having knowledge from her family about the killer.
