The last step … the vaccine Pfizer and Biontech enters the “decisive stage”


The vaccine’s effectiveness was found to be stable in different age groups and ethnicities, which is a promising sign given that the disease has affected the elderly and certain groups, including black-skinned people, more than others.

And the success rate of the vaccine I worked on "Pfizer" And your partner "Bountech" The highest of all vaccines tested in the final clinical stages so far, and experts say it’s a breakthrough in the race to end the pandemic.

Ugur Shaheen, CEO of"Bountech" In an interview with "Reuters"The US Food and Drug Administration may grant approval for emergency use of the vaccine before the end of the first half of December or at the beginning of the second half of the month.

He added that conditional approval from the European Union would likely be obtained in the second half of December.

The final analysis of the experiments conducted with the vaccine comes after just one week of initial results that showed the vaccine to be more than 90 percent effective. "Modern" On Monday, preliminary data on his vaccine showed an effectiveness of 94.5%.

It turned out to be a vaccine "Pfizer" Y"Bountech" It was 94 percent effective among people over 65, which experts described as very important at a time when the virus is spreading around the world with record cases of infection.

The better-than-expected results of the two vaccines have rekindled hopes, at the end of a pandemic that killed more than 1.3 million people and spread a depression in the world economy.

Intervals "Pfizer" It expects to produce up to 50 million doses this year, enough to protect 25 million people, and then produce up to 1.3 billion doses in 2021.


The aforementioned step is essential to obtain permission to circulate the vaccine in the United States.

On Thursday night, the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said that the European Union could license a vaccine from “Pfizer” and “Biontech”, and another produced by “Moderna”, before the end of next December. .

After a video conference of EU leaders, the official added that the European Medicines Agency could grant “a conditional marketing authorization (…) from the second half of December if everything goes smoothly.”

The two companies previously announced that they may obtain, within the next month, approval from the US and European regulatory agencies for the emergency use of their vaccines, after the results of final experiments showed that the vaccine’s success rate it’s 95 percent, with no serious side effects.

The vaccine’s effectiveness was found to be stable across different age groups and ethnicities, which is a promising sign given that the disease has affected the elderly and certain groups, including people with black skin, more than others.

The success rate of the vaccine that Pfizer and its partner, Biontech, worked on is the highest of all vaccines tested in the late clinical stages so far, and experts say it is a great achievement in the race to end. to the pandemic.

Biontech CEO Ugur Shaheen said in an interview with Reuters that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration may grant approval for the emergency use of the vaccine before the end of the first half of December or at beginning of the second half of the month.

He added that conditional approval from the European Union would likely be obtained in the second half of December.

The final analysis of the experiments conducted with the vaccine comes after just one week of initial results that showed the vaccine to be more than 90 percent effective. On Monday, Moderna released preliminary data on its vaccine showing its 94.5 percent effectiveness.

And the “Pfizer” and “Biontech” vaccines were found to be 94 percent effective among people 65 and older, which experts described as very important at a time when the virus is spreading around the world. with record cases.

The better-than-expected results of the two vaccines have rekindled hopes, at the end of a pandemic that killed more than 1.3 million people and spread a depression in the world economy.

Pfizer said it expects to produce up to 50 million doses this year, enough to protect 25 million people, and then produce up to 1.3 billion doses in 2021.
