The International Olympic Committee resolves the issue of the dismissal of Mortada Mansour


Previously, Mortada Mansour filed a lawsuit with the Administrative Judicial Court of the Council of State, demanding that the decision issued by the Egyptian Olympic Committee prevent her from practicing any sporting activity for a period of 4 years.

The lawsuit, No. 2015 of the 75 judicial year, was concluded by the Minister of Youth and Sports and the Executive Director of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the head of the Egyptian Olympic Committee, Hisham Hatab.

On October 4, the Olympic Committee announced that the president of the Zamalek Club was banned for 4 years from practicing any sporting activity, after several violations attributed to him were proven, and requested elections for a replacement president.

The committee fined the president of Zamalek 100,000 Egyptian pounds (about $ 6,400) after investigating complaints from various sports figures. "All of them are affected by the fact that the president of the Zamalek club insults, defames and insults them and the sports institutions they represent, using the Zamalek satellite channel, which he stripped of its sports function.

The committee considered that the violations of Murtaza Mansour were formed "A flagrant violation of the Egyptian and international constitution, laws and statutes, which has become reliable for the demolition of sporting values ​​and ideals and a waste of the sublime meanings that civilized nations produce from sport.".

He added that the actions of the president of Zamalek are outlined "Destruction of Egyptian youth".


The Egyptian Olympic Committee received an official letter from the International Olympic Committee with the signature of the relations officer and the National Olympic Committees, in which he stated that the international body had received Egyptian responses regarding the position of the decisions issued on the president suspended from the Zamalek Club dated October 9, and thanked its officials for their prompt response and clarification from all. What is required on the subject under discussion.

The International Olympic Committee affirmed its support for all efforts carried out outside the competitions granted to the national committees, considering the matter internally subject to all internationally recognized standards and mechanisms, which are well represented and applied by the Egyptian Olympic Committee, such as the rest of the national committees.

For its part, the Egyptian Olympic Committee issued, this Thursday, an official statement on the receipt of this letter from its international counterpart, in support of the sanctions imposed against the former president of the Zamalek Club.

Previously, Mortada Mansour filed a lawsuit with the Administrative Judicial Court of the Council of State, demanding that the decision issued by the Egyptian Olympic Committee to prevent her from practicing any sporting activity for a period of 4 years be suspended.

The application, no. 2015 of the 75 judicial year, was concluded by the Minister of Youth and Sports and the Executive Director of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the head of the Egyptian Olympic Committee, Hisham Hatab.

The Olympic Committee announced, on October 4, that the president of the Zamalek Club was prohibited for 4 years from practicing any sporting activity, after several violations attributed to him were proven, and requested elections for a replacement president.

The committee fined the president of Zamalek 100,000 Egyptian pounds (about $ 6,400) after investigating complaints made by various athletes, “all of whom were harmed by the president of Zamalek by slandering and insulting them and the sports institutions they represent, using the Zamalek satellite channel, which he removed from his role. ” Athlete.

The committee considered that the violations of Murtado Mansour constituted a “flagrant violation of the Egyptian and international constitution, laws and statutes, which have become a relay for the demolition of sports values ​​and ideals and a waste of meanings sublime that civilized nations derive from sport. “

He added that the actions of the Zamalek president constitute “a devastation of the Egyptian youth and youth.”
