The International Olympic Committee endorses the suspension decisions of Mortada Mansour in an official statement


The Egyptian Olympic Committee received an official letter from the International Olympic Committee with the signature of Jerome, the relations officer and the National Olympic Committees, confirming that the international body had received the Egyptian responses on the position of the decisions issued on Mortada Mansour, the suspended president of the Zamalek club, dated October 9, and thanked his officials for their prompt response. And clarify everything required on the subject under discussion. .

The International Olympic Committee affirmed its support for all efforts carried out outside the powers granted to the national committees and considering the matter internally subject to all internationally recognized standards and mechanisms that are well represented and applied by the Egyptian Olympic Committee, such as the case of other national committees. .

The letter addressed the discussion of Mortada Mansour’s appeal to ordinary and civil courts in a purely sports matter, and emphasized that litigation in sports matters should be subject to specific and customary mechanisms that do not deviate from the applicable sports framework in accordance with the regulations of the National Olympic Committee, Federations and Egyptian law, which received unprecedented praise from the Committee. The International Olympic Committee and many other bodies after their full compliance with the Olympic and international conventions. .

Issued: 10/15/2020

In the name of Allah the Merciful

ْنأُ ِرِيدُ ُلَّا الْإِصْلَاحَ مَا اسْتَطَعْتُ ۚ وَمَا تَوْفِيقِي َّلَّا بِالَّهِ ۚ عَلَيْهِ تَوَيلْتُ هِ

Great truth of god

Egyptian Olympic Committee Statement

On the confirmation by the International Olympic Committee of the Egyptian Olympic Committee competition

On the procedures and decisions taken against the former president of the Zamalek club

Based on the mandate of the Egyptian Olympic Committee to develop and protect the Olympic movement and strengthen it and preserve the rules and principles of Olympic thought in accordance with article 84 of the Constitution and the provisions of Sports Law No. 71 of 2017, the rules of the Olympic Charter and the principles of the Olympic Movement, the Egyptian Olympic Committee addressed the International Olympic Committee on 9 /. 10/2020 for informing him of the measures taken against the former president of the Zamalek Club, which ended with his suspension for a period of four years, in accordance with national laws and regulations, the scope of his agreement with the principles of the Olympic Charter and its competence to initiate these proceedings against you.

On Wednesday 10/14/2020, the International Olympic Committee sent its response, confirming the following:

First: The International Olympic Committee agreed to receive the letter of the measures taken against the former president of the Zamalek Club. Legal implications, as the International Olympic Committee did not express comments or objections to these measures.

Second: The International Olympic Committee, in response to the letter from the Egyptian Olympic Committee regarding the measures taken with the former president of the Zamalek Club in accordance with national laws and regulations, confirmed that this is an internal matter of the Egyptian Olympic Committee in which Its established authority operates in defense of national laws and regulations consistent with the Olympic Charter and international standards without interference.

Third: The International Olympic Committee affirmed that the disputes related to the sport that arise within the Olympic movement, and what is understood by Olympic movement, as stipulated in the Olympic Charter in the First Chapter, the Olympic Movement, which is as follows :

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3. In addition to the three main components, the Olympic movement also includes the organizing committees of the Olympic Games (OGOGNational federations, clubs and people belonging to international federations and national Olympic committees, specifically athletes whose interests represent an essential element in the activity of the Olympic Movement, as well as judges, referees, coaches, technicians and other sports officials. It also includes other organizations and bodies recognized by the International Olympic Committee.

4. Any person or organization affiliated with the Olympic Movement in any capacity is subject to the provisions of the Olympic Charter and will abide by the decisions of the International Olympic Committee.

This confirms the competence of the Egyptian Olympic Committee according to the role outlined by Law No. 71 of 2017 that the Egyptian Olympic Committee must protect the Egyptian Olympic movement, all in accordance with what the regulations of the sports bodies in compliance decide. of the Olympic Charter.

Considering that article 54 of the statute of the Egyptian Olympic Committee, as well as the provisions of the Code of Ethics, Ethics and Values ​​issued by the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Olympic Committee in application of the provisions of the Sports Law and approved by the General Assembly of the Committee Egyptian Olympic in the statutes of the Egyptian Olympic Committee published in the Egyptian events have traced a unique path for the president The former Zamalek club to appeal the decision to suspend it is the way of claim before the Board of the Olympic Committee, then the appeal against the decision issued in the claim before the Egyptian Center for Arbitration and Arbitration for Sport, then the appeal against its decision before the International Court of Arbitration for Sport ( CASEIf the former president of the Zamalek club had resorted to a way other than that stipulated in the statute of the Olympic Committee, the rules of the Code of Conduct, then he would have violated what was decided by the statutes of sports organizations (for example, the National Olympic Committees and National Federations) according to what is expressed in the letter of the Olympic Committee. International.

The Olympic Committee takes this opportunity to affirm its commitment to article 84 of the Egyptian Constitution and national laws, among which the Sports Law No. 71 of 2017, issued on sports in line with the Olympic Charter and the regulations, stands out. basic of these Egyptian sports federations, as expressed in the letter of the International Olympic Committee.

The Egyptian Olympic Committee affirms that the measures that have been taken in this regard are out of respect for international charts and standards and in the interest of the stability of Egyptian sport in general and of the former entity of Zamalek Club in particular, which is one of the the poles of Egyptian sport and has a strong footprint in the Olympic movement with its athletes in various games. The Olympic Games, and we know very well the value, the destiny and the history of the Zamalek Sports Club, one of the most important sports castles in the Arab world and the Middle East.

We affirm that the decisions made by the Olympic Committee are related to one person and have absolutely nothing to do with the old entity and will not affect in any way the various sports, and we all support the Zamalek club team in its current mission in the African Football Championship in the Kingdom of Morocco and we all have confidence and hope that the Zamalek club team will work. The good and honorable representation of our beloved Egypt, and we pray to Almighty God that victory be allied with the White Castle.

The Olympic Committee will not hesitate to keep the progress of the sports system and the Olympic movement on the right track and achieve the supreme goal of sport by providing an atmosphere in which the spirit of peace prevails and rejecting intolerance and violence in accordance with the principles. of the Olympic Movement, the Olympic Charter and international standards.

In conclusion, the Olympic Committee will spare no effort to implement national laws and regulations, to uphold the principle of the rule of law, the Olympic movement and the achievement of good governance.

God bless and help you …

Egyptian Olympic Committee

Olympic Declaration 1
Olympic Declaration 1

Olympic Declaration 2
Olympic Declaration 2

Olympic Declaration 3
Olympic Declaration 3

Olympic Declaration 4
Olympic Declaration 4
