The initial name of the Amr Diab series, signed by Ibrahim Eissa


“Al Youm Al Sabea” learned that “Al Masirah” is an initial name for the series “The great star Amr Diab”, written by the writer Ibrahim Issa, and that talks about the history of the Amr Diab plateau, from its artistic beginnings until the rise of your star around the world, where the name is subject to change during the completion of Write down all your details.

The series producer, Amr Diab, had entered into official negotiations in recent days with the writer Ibrahim Issa, to assign the task of writing autobiographical episodes to the plateau, since Issa had already begun to draw the lines of the biography, especially Diab’s ascension journey from Port Said to He has become one of the singing icons of the Arab world. .

The series is scheduled to reach 15 episodes, the lines of which begin with the arrival of the plateau in Cairo Al-Moez in 1982, and the pursuit of his dream of singing, through his singing and cinematographic journey, his European tours and the awards he won during his artistic career, as well as his concerts in Cairo, which are among the most important concerts. In the Middle East and the Arab world.

Ibrahim Issa chose to write an autobiography for the plateau, which would become a dramatic work, based on his experience in the world of writing, in addition to his success in presenting dramatic figures and figures of the past period, the most prominent of which was the movie “The Guest” and the last of which was the movie “The Maqam”.

Netflix had announced that it would present the biography of the star Amr Diab, indicating that it would be a work of a musical nature and based on the experience and trajectory of “the plateau”, which spans more than 30 years, and as a best-selling artist in the Middle East, and winner of 7 awards. World Music Awards and 6 African Music Awards.
