“The government does not recognize the sale.” Learn about the penalty for not registering your apartment in the real estate registry


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The new real estate registration law, which will be implemented on March 4, has established sanctions for new owners in the event that the property being sold is not registered in the real estate registry, since this date, the sale process It will not be recognized before government agencies until after the contract is registered in the real estate month, indicating that the initial contract between the owner and the buyer is recognized, as well as the contract that obtained a valid signature from the court .

Penalties for not registering the contract in the real estate month after March 4

– If the buyer has not registered the property to be sold, then the gas, water, electricity, telecommunications and other agencies and all government agencies will not recognize this contract, and the facilities will not be transferred until after submitting the document. with the real estate registration number.

Registration steps and documents required after March 4, 2021.

Go to the real estate

– Present the original preliminary sale of the property being sold.

Bring a certificate from the Town Hall to confirm that the property has no construction violations.

– Present a copy of the card, ID of the seller and buyer, with the original view.

– Letter of request for registration of the real estate month attached to the assignment of the property tax.

Submit a survey list for the residential unit in case the property descriptions change.

Final review by the employee in charge and sign it to accept the contract statement.

– The issuance of a blue paper contract within the contract ratification office, and both parties to the contract are signed.

Registration fees according to the new real estate law.

– The dwelling unit is 100 square meters, the registration fee is estimated at 500 pounds, including the area fee of 125 pounds.

– The dwelling unit has an area of ​​200 meters, its registration fee is 1000 pounds and the area fee is 175 pounds inclusive.

– The apartment measures 300 meters, its registration fee is 1500 pounds and the area fee is 225 pounds.

– For a dwelling unit with an area of ​​more than 300 meters, the registration fee is estimated at 200 pounds including the area fee and 275 pounds for the residential unit.

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