The “Global Health”: the collective immunity is a dangerous and brutal calculation. Humans are not herds


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The director of the WHO’s health emergency program, Dr. Mike Ryan, said the concept of collective immunity is “dangerous.”

“This idea that countries that have taken lenient measures and have done nothing will magically achieve some collective immunity, what if we lose some older people along the way?” Ryan said at a news conference on Monday. This is a really dangerous and dangerous perception. “

Ryan added that the term collective immunity is taken from veterinary epidemiology, where “people care about the public health of the herd, and individual animals don’t matter in this regard … humans are not herds.”

Ryan said the world must be careful when using the term, because “it can lead to a very brutal calculation that doesn’t put people, life and suffering at the center of that equation.”

While Dr Maria Van Kerkov, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the World Health Organization, indicated that there are around 90 studies showing the results of antibody surveys, adding that the organization was unable to make a “critical assessment “of all the studies, as many of them were not published. distance.

“The interesting thing about the studies that have been done is that many of them, in various countries in Europe, the United States and Asia, have found that a very low percentage of people who have been analyzed have evidence of antibodies,” said Kerkov.

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