The Football Association opens summer registration for clubs on October 10 … officially


Officials of the Five-Year Management Committee of the Football Association decided to open the summer registration against the clubs on October 10, that is, next Saturday, in preparation for the new 2020-2021 football season, based on the instructions from the International Football Association “FIFA” that it is allowed to open the summer registration door during the course of the current football season, specifically In the last four weeks, given the exceptional measures that have been taken to address the repercussions of the emerging coronavirus, which caused the suspension of sports activity for 5 months.

The five-year committee decided to continue with the special registration instructions in the current season as well in the upcoming 2020-2021 season, due to lack of time and the difficulty of the clubs to accept the changes that may be imposed.

– The 30-player roster will continue next season.

– 5 substitutions for each team throughout the season, in the winter and summer registration periods, so that if a team replaces two players before the start of the season, they have the opportunity to replace 3 others in the winter registration period in January, which is the same system that was in effect in the current season.

– The Five-Year Administration Committee of the Football Association has determined a maximum of 5 players to be loaned to each club in the next season, provided that the name of the loaned player is removed from the list with the club’s eligibility to sign another player in his place, and then re-enrolled with his return to his club with the end of the loan. Maximum 5 players.

Keep 5 foreign professional players in the ranks of local league clubs.

Considering a player from North Africa, Palestine or Syria as a local player.

Reduce the number of foreign players in the next season 2021-2022.

– Any player has the right to terminate his contract with his club in the event that he has not received his fees for a period of two months.
