The first comment of the Minister of Health on the status of the new Corona strain


12:55 p. M.

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Books – Ahmad Jumaa:

Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, said that yesterday she met with the Scientific Committee to Combat Coronavirus; Discuss the effects of the genetic change of the virus on the infection.

The minister explained, during the weekly government meeting, Wednesday, that the scientific committee confirmed that there is no scientific evidence indicating any effect of the new genetic change on the rate or severity of the infection, or the spread of the virus, and it was agreed that Egypt would conduct research to study the genetic change related to the new variant. Or any other virus changes.

This comes after a new, more dangerous strain of the emerging corona virus was discovered, and described as “out of control” in Britain, prompting the World Health Organization to communicate closely with British authorities; Inform and inform the states of new information as soon as it is available about the characteristics of this strain and the consequences that may result from its appearance.

And according to the British newspaper “Observer”, the new strain spread in the southeast of England has caused about 1,200 injuries in the last five days.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced new restrictions in London and south-east England, and authorities in Scotland and Wales imposed tougher measures.

This is not the first time that the emerging coronavirus has mutated since the start of the pandemic late last year, and it may not be the first time that the genetic material of the virus has changed, according to the British network “Sky”.
