The first comment from the Olympic Committee on FIFA’s decision towards FIFA


04:47 pm

Thursday 17 December 2020

Books – Hussam Zayed:

An official source of the Egyptian Olympic Committee confirmed in a statement sent to “Masrawy” that the Olympic Committee has full knowledge of the file of the Egyptian Football Association, since during the last days official correspondence between the Olympic Committee and the International Football Association “FIFA” on the fate of the five-year committee that manages the Football Association. Headed by Amr Al-Ganayni.

The source, who did not want to be identified, added: “Hisham Hatab, president of the Olympic Committee, personally attended the meeting that Veyron, director of the FIFA Civil Associations Committee, held with Amr Al-Ganaini, to discuss the future management of the Football Association “, noting that this meeting never touched the electoral file.

He explained: “The Olympic Committee, among its letters to FIFA, did not oppose the holding of the elections, but warned against challenging and annulling them as a result of calling them outside the hours specified by the Egyptian Sports Law. to inform FIFA of the Egyptian government’s decision to postpone the establishment of the general assemblies at the present time due to the Corona pandemic. “.

The source concluded: “FIFA can make the decision today or tomorrow at the latest to form a new committee or entrust the management of the federation to Walid Al-Attar, the executive director, together with the heads of departments within the federation, until the elections are held. “

A source said in an earlier statement to “Masrawy” that FIFA could send a letter in a few hours to completely finish the tripartite committee’s work due to the delay in sending the basic system list.

The five-year commission sent the statutes last Tuesday, five days after the deadline set on December 10.

Last November, FIFA decided to extend the work of the Five-Year Committee for a period of 60 days and reduce its number to three members as an electoral commission to end the electoral process before next January 31 and complete its task of managing the day to day of the federation.
